May 14, 2010
BLC Maree Song
Brasso-Laelio-Cattleya Maree Song has attractive splashed white pink and violet flowers. The flowers are lasting and of large size.
Tips on Potting:
Cattleya Alliance do not get disturbed by repotting. The best time for repotting is after all flowering has ceased.
To minimize root damage, a warm water soak for 10 minutes, will make most roots very pliable and easier to remove from the container.
Clay pots are preferred to plastic pots as they evaporate water. This helps the was achieving adequate wetness and even humidity. Baskets provide better air circulation. |
Photo: Blc Maree Song
Media: The good potting media are coarse fir bark, lava rock, river rocks, pieces of broken pottery, chunks of tree fern, hardwood charcoal and coconut husk. The roots should be wet but should dry quickly. |